Stand Out But Please Fit In
Podcast on how to stand out and be yourself when society wants you to fit in! Host, Abhi, a third-cultured kid who lives in Japan currently, who experienced many incidents where people wanted her to stick to the status quo, but it is difficult when you already stand out! If you have any questions or any topics you want Abhi to talk about, please leave a comment on the "Stand Out But Please Fit" social media pages! Instagram: @standout_pleasefitin
Podcasting since 2020 • 71 episodes
Stand Out But Please Fit In
Latest Episodes
When you are trying to juggle your life
Abhi is back after a three month long hiatus! Let's catch up on what she's been going through in her life!
Episode 70

You can receive money from the insurance if your child was bullied in school?
This episode is about how Japanese insurance company will start a plan where you can receive money if your child goes through bullying. But Abhi talks about what really goes on when you are bullied, from someone who has experienced it.A...
Episode 69

So MANY tourists in Japan right now!
Abhi recaps all of her events in March and how she dealt with traveling everywhere! Check out the social media pages for the beautiful cherry blossoms!Michi-no-eki where my favorite Matcha Soft Serve is sold!
Episode 68